The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has decided to end its support for ToxSeek.
For ten years the NLM has supported ToxSeek, a research project involving natural language processing and semantic technology. This federated-search engine helped users to search across diverse biomedical and environmental health resources and provided a method for locating information resources on topics related to toxicology and environmental health.
Since there are now several comparable alternatives for users needing a federated search, such as (, NLM will realign the resources to support other mission-critical programs.
ToxSeek will not be available after March 23th, 2012.
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Ex-Perito Quimico Oficial-Poder Judicial Prov. de Bs. As en Toxicología Ambiental y Forense (1993 a 2015).Tareas docentes en Univ. de Morón y La Plata. Dicto cursos in company y distancia, armados según necesidades. Cursos dictados para :AYSA - Chevron - Fund.Quimica Argentina - I.A.S. - Prefectura Naval - Sind. Salud Pública Prov. Bs.As- UNLP - IFIM - Huinoil S.A. - ART Interacción -Cerro Vanguardia . Consultas: / /
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