La AEMA - Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente informa que 11 países europeos sobrepasaron los límites de emisiones contaminantes en el aire en 2010 para al menos uno de los indicadores considerados: dioxido de azufre (SO2), oxidos de nitrogeno (NOx), compuesos orgánicos volátiles no-metano (NMVOCs) y amoniaco (NH3).
Air pollutant emission limits exceeded in twelve EU Member States
Topics: Air pollution Environment and health Transport
Published: Feb 22, 2012 Last modified: Feb 22, 2012
Twelve Member States exceeded one or more of the emission limits set by the EU National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive, according to recent official data for 2010 reported to the European Environment Agency (EEA). In some instances the limits were exceeded by significant amounts.
These pollutants contribute to health problems and can also lead to economic losses and environmental damage. The EEA data shows that many EU Member States missed the 2010 limits, so these countries will need to make further efforts to help reduce air pollution in Europe.
EEA Executive Director Professor Jacqueline McGlade
Air pollutant emission limits exceeded in twelve EU Member States
For the first time, preliminary data recently reported to the EEA by Member States allow a comparison with the legally binding emission limits for 2010 set in the EU NEC Directive. The directive covers four main air pollutants: sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) and ammonia (NH3). These pollutants can cause respiratory problems, contribute to the acidification of soil and surface water, and damage vegetation. The ceilings set in the NEC directive were designed to reduce such adverse impacts by an agreed amount.
"These pollutants contribute to health problems and can also lead to economic losses and environmental damage," EEA Executive Director Prof. Jacqueline McGlade said. "The EEA data shows that many EU Member States missed the 2010 limits, so these countries will need to make further efforts to help reduce air pollution in Europe."
The pollutant for which most exceedances were registered was NOx. Preliminary analysis shows eleven Member States exceeding their respective NOx ceilings (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden) (see Table 1).
The road transport sector is one of the main contributory factors behind the large number of NOx exceedances, contributing approximately 40 % of total EU-27 NOx emissions. Reductions of NOx from this sector over the last 2 decades have not been as large as originally anticipated. This is partly because the sector has grown more than expected and partly because vehicle emission standards have not always delivered the anticipated level of NOx reductions.
Spain was the only Member State to have exceeded three of its four emission ceilings under the NECD; followed by Germany with two exceedances. Finland exceeded its ammonia ceiling.
Ex-Perito Quimico Oficial-Poder Judicial Prov. de Bs. As en Toxicología Ambiental y Forense (1993 a 2015).Tareas docentes en Univ. de Morón y La Plata. Dicto cursos in company y distancia, armados según necesidades. Cursos dictados para :AYSA - Chevron - Fund.Quimica Argentina - I.A.S. - Prefectura Naval - Sind. Salud Pública Prov. Bs.As- UNLP - IFIM - Huinoil S.A. - ART Interacción -Cerro Vanguardia . Consultas: / /
8 de marzo de 2012
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Ing. Agr. MSc. Adriana De Caro
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54 - 011 - 5627 - 2000
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Recuerdo que la inscripción para actuar como perito, se hace en el mes de septiembre.
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Toxicidad de Dioxinas
El 17 de febrero de 2012, la EPA concluyó su Re análisis final de temas claves relacionados con la toxicidad de las dioxinas y la Respuesta a los comentarios de la Academia Americana de Ciencias (en Inglés NAS), Volumen 1. Este documento contiene la identificación del peligro y de la dosis-respuesta de la 2,3,7,8 - tetraclorodibenzo-p-dioxina (TCDD) y la información más al día el análisis de los efectos no cancerígenos de la exposición a la TCDD. El informe también incluye una dosis oral de referencia (RfD) y una descripción detallada y transparente de los datos y los análisis subyacentes.
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- Brar, Hazardous Materials: Types, Risks and Control - 2011, 497 páginas
- Hartwig, The Mak-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety - Part I,
volumen 27 - 2012, 350 páginas
- Hodgson, Pesticide Biotransformation and Disposition - 2012, 234 páginas
- Hood, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology: A Practical Approach –
3ra. edición 2012, 870 páginas
- Liu, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury - 2012, 600 pp
- Magnani, Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals
(para laboratorios hospitalarios) - 2012, 304 páginas
- Maurer, Mass Spectral and GC Data of Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides,
Pollutants and Their Metabolites - 4ta. edición 2011, 1.642 páginas
- Pohanish, Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and
Carcinogens - 6ta. edición 2012, 3.096 páginas
- Rao, Forensic Toxicology: Medico-Legal Case Studies - 2012, 289 páginas
- Talbot, Stephens' Detection and Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Principles and Practice - 6ta. edición 2012, 750 páginas
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- Hartwig, The Mak-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety - Part I,
volumen 27 - 2012, 350 páginas
- Hodgson, Pesticide Biotransformation and Disposition - 2012, 234 páginas
- Hood, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology: A Practical Approach –
3ra. edición 2012, 870 páginas
- Liu, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury - 2012, 600 pp
- Magnani, Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals
(para laboratorios hospitalarios) - 2012, 304 páginas
- Maurer, Mass Spectral and GC Data of Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides,
Pollutants and Their Metabolites - 4ta. edición 2011, 1.642 páginas
- Pohanish, Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and
Carcinogens - 6ta. edición 2012, 3.096 páginas
- Rao, Forensic Toxicology: Medico-Legal Case Studies - 2012, 289 páginas
- Talbot, Stephens' Detection and Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Principles and Practice - 6ta. edición 2012, 750 páginas
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Sarmiento 1874 - 8, C
1044 Buenos Aires
Tel. (+54) 11 4371-6556
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Un nuevo volumen/número de la revista Acta Toxicológica Argentina disponible
Un nuevo volumen/número de la revista Acta Toxicológica Argentina está disponible en
Volumen 19, Número 2, Páginas 55-103 (Diciembre 2011)
Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 55-103 (December 2011)
Envenenamiento de Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia: Testudines) por Tityus trivittatus (Scorpionida: Buthidae)
[Envenomation of Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia: Testudines) by Tityus trivittatus (Scorpionida: Buthidae)]
Páginas 55-60
de Roodt, Adolfo R; Regner, Pablo I.; Costa de Oliveira, Vanessa; Laskowicz, Rodrigo D.; Lanari, Laura C.
El estrés oxidativo como mecanismo de acción del plomo. Implicancias terapéuticas
[Therapeutic implication of oxidative stress as a mechanism of action of lead]
Páginas 61-79
Martínez, Samanta Andrea; Cancela, Liliana Marina; Virgolini, Miriam Beatriz
Bromadiolona: un caso judicial relacionado con la muerte de abejas
[Bromadiolone: a judicial case related to bees death]
Páginas 80-84
Salinas, Guillermo Pablo
Resúmenes de tesis
Evaluación del potencial tóxico del proteinato débil de plata
Páginas 85-86
Quiroga, Patricia N.
Impacto del glifosato y algunos de sus formulados comerciales sobre el perifiton de agua dulce
Páginas 87-88
Vera, María Solange
Agradecimiento a revisores 2009-2011
Página 89
Índice de autores 2008-2011
Páginas 90-92
Índice de temas 2008-2011
Páginas 93-94
Instrucciones para los autores/Instructions to contributors/Instruções para os autores
Páginas 95-103
Volumen 19, Número 2, Páginas 55-103 (Diciembre 2011)
Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 55-103 (December 2011)
Envenenamiento de Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia: Testudines) por Tityus trivittatus (Scorpionida: Buthidae)
[Envenomation of Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia: Testudines) by Tityus trivittatus (Scorpionida: Buthidae)]
Páginas 55-60
de Roodt, Adolfo R; Regner, Pablo I.; Costa de Oliveira, Vanessa; Laskowicz, Rodrigo D.; Lanari, Laura C.
El estrés oxidativo como mecanismo de acción del plomo. Implicancias terapéuticas
[Therapeutic implication of oxidative stress as a mechanism of action of lead]
Páginas 61-79
Martínez, Samanta Andrea; Cancela, Liliana Marina; Virgolini, Miriam Beatriz
Bromadiolona: un caso judicial relacionado con la muerte de abejas
[Bromadiolone: a judicial case related to bees death]
Páginas 80-84
Salinas, Guillermo Pablo
Resúmenes de tesis
Evaluación del potencial tóxico del proteinato débil de plata
Páginas 85-86
Quiroga, Patricia N.
Impacto del glifosato y algunos de sus formulados comerciales sobre el perifiton de agua dulce
Páginas 87-88
Vera, María Solange
Agradecimiento a revisores 2009-2011
Página 89
Índice de autores 2008-2011
Páginas 90-92
Índice de temas 2008-2011
Páginas 93-94
Instrucciones para los autores/Instructions to contributors/Instruções para os autores
Páginas 95-103
Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health: Current Evidence - Table of Contents: January-February 2012
Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health: Current Evidence
Table of Contents: January-February 2012
Lack of Efficacy of a 3-Medication Treatment Protocol forMethamphetamine Dependence in Opioid Agonist Treatment after Prison Release ReducesRe-incarceration N-Acetylcysteine to Glucocorticoids May Improve Outcomes inPatients with Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis Receiving Buprenorphine and Methadone Are More Likely to BeResponsible for Road Traffic Crashes Notable Developments in Addiction Pharmacotherapies OUTCOMESModest Marijuana Exposure Does Not Adversely Affect Pulmonary Function,but High Cumulative Exposure Does Mortality Benefits Disappear When Studied Appropriately Years of Observational Studies of Alcohol’s CardioprotectiveEffects: Uncertainty Remains and Environmental Factors, Including Tobacco and Alcohol Use,and Risk of Cancer AND HCVBaclofen: New Hope for Alcohol Abstinence in Patients with Alcohol- andHCV-related Cirrhosis? and Syringe Provision and Opioid Agonist Treatment May Reducethe Spread of HCV in People with Injection Drug Use and Substance Use Disorders Impact the Development ofAIDS-defining Illness and Death in HIV-infected Veterans Engagement Is Associated with Reduced HIV Risk Behaviors ALERT"Drug and Alcohol Review" Publishes Special Issue on Low-Risk DrinkingGuidelines
RESOURCE ALERTNIAAA Releases Free Simplified Screening Guide to Identify UnderageDrinking
SLIDE PRESENTATIONSUpdate on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health
Journal Club
Free CME Opportunities unsubscribe to this mailing list, contactmailto: with "unsubscribe" in the body ofthe message.__________*Addiction Science & Clinical Practice (ASCP), a peer-reviewed journalhosted by leading open-access publisher BioMed Central and edited byRichard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM, and Jeffrey Samet, MD, MA, MPH,Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, is nowaccepting manuscripts.
Table of Contents: January-February 2012
Lack of Efficacy of a 3-Medication Treatment Protocol forMethamphetamine Dependence in Opioid Agonist Treatment after Prison Release ReducesRe-incarceration N-Acetylcysteine to Glucocorticoids May Improve Outcomes inPatients with Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis Receiving Buprenorphine and Methadone Are More Likely to BeResponsible for Road Traffic Crashes Notable Developments in Addiction Pharmacotherapies OUTCOMESModest Marijuana Exposure Does Not Adversely Affect Pulmonary Function,but High Cumulative Exposure Does Mortality Benefits Disappear When Studied Appropriately Years of Observational Studies of Alcohol’s CardioprotectiveEffects: Uncertainty Remains and Environmental Factors, Including Tobacco and Alcohol Use,and Risk of Cancer AND HCVBaclofen: New Hope for Alcohol Abstinence in Patients with Alcohol- andHCV-related Cirrhosis? and Syringe Provision and Opioid Agonist Treatment May Reducethe Spread of HCV in People with Injection Drug Use and Substance Use Disorders Impact the Development ofAIDS-defining Illness and Death in HIV-infected Veterans Engagement Is Associated with Reduced HIV Risk Behaviors ALERT"Drug and Alcohol Review" Publishes Special Issue on Low-Risk DrinkingGuidelines
RESOURCE ALERTNIAAA Releases Free Simplified Screening Guide to Identify UnderageDrinking
SLIDE PRESENTATIONSUpdate on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health
Journal Club
Free CME Opportunities unsubscribe to this mailing list, contactmailto: with "unsubscribe" in the body ofthe message.__________*Addiction Science & Clinical Practice (ASCP), a peer-reviewed journalhosted by leading open-access publisher BioMed Central and edited byRichard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM, and Jeffrey Samet, MD, MA, MPH,Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, is nowaccepting manuscripts.
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