Organizado por la Asociación Toxicológica Argentina, la Asociación Médica Argentina y
la Asociación Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Legal
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A SABER: Si usted tiene alguna duda respecto al área temática asignada a su trabajo, por favor consulte enviando un mal a
Los paneles disponibles para la colocación de los pósters tienen una dimensión útil de 115 cm de ANCHO x 90 cm de ALTO (formato apaisado). La superficie es de corcho por lo que pueden sostenerse las láminas con chinches, que serán provistas por la organización del congreso
Ex-Perito Quimico Oficial-Poder Judicial Prov. de Bs. As en Toxicología Ambiental y Forense (1993 a 2015).Tareas docentes en Univ. de Morón y La Plata. Dicto cursos in company y distancia, armados según necesidades. Cursos dictados para :AYSA - Chevron - Fund.Quimica Argentina - I.A.S. - Prefectura Naval - Sind. Salud Pública Prov. Bs.As- UNLP - IFIM - Huinoil S.A. - ART Interacción -Cerro Vanguardia . Consultas: / /
14 de junio de 2012
Diesel Grupo A IARC - OMS
Diesel Grupo A IARC - OMS
IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
Lyon, France: 5-12 June 2012
12/06/2012 -
After a week-long meeting of international experts, the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health
Organization (WHO), today classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic
to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence that exposure is
associated with an increased risk for lung cancer.
Read IARC Press Release 213
IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
Lyon, France: 5-12 June 2012
12/06/2012 -
After a week-long meeting of international experts, the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health
Organization (WHO), today classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic
to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence that exposure is
associated with an increased risk for lung cancer.
Read IARC Press Release 213
The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (2007-present) is the oldest substance-abuse journal published in the United States, formerly the Journal of Studies on Alcohol (1975-2006) and the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol (1940-1974). JSAD is a multidisciplinary journal, publishing research on all aspects of the use of, abuse of, and dependence on alcohol, illicit substances, and inhalants; tobacco use and dependence; and the misuse of prescription medication. The range of topics includes, but is not limited to, the biological, medical, epidemiological, psychiatric, social, psychological, legal, public health, socioeconomic, genetic, and neuroscientific aspects of substance use.
- Editor: Marc A. Schuckit, M.D.
- Associate Editors: John E. Helzer, M.D.; Samuel Kuperman, M.D.; and Brian Borsari, Ph.D.
- 2012 JSAD Editorial Board
- Impact Factor: 2.128
- Submit articles online:
- Follow JSAD on Facebook and Twitter
- Subscribe to JSAD
Press release 1: Medical marijuana outlets not linked to crime
Free full text: Exploring the Ecological Association Between Crime and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries [OPEN ACCESS]*
Press release 2: DSM-5 to include controversial changes to criteria for substance use disorders
If you are attending the Research Society on Alcoholism conference in San Francisco (June 23-27), please stop by the “take-one” table and pick up a free copy of JSAD.
Table of Contents - July 2012 (Vol. 73, no. 4)
Editor's Corner: Editorial in Reply to the Comments of Griffith Edwards [OPEN ACCESS]
Marc A. Schuckit (JSAD 73:521)
Original research:
Exploring the Ecological Association Between Crime and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries [OPEN ACCESS]*
Nancy J. Kepple, Bridget Freisthler (JSAD 73:523)
Alcohol Use at Time of Injury and Survival Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Results From the National Trauma Data Bank
Chiung M. Chen, Hsiao-Ye Yi, Young-Hee Yoon, Chuanhui Dong (JSAD 73:531)
Associations Between Adolescent Heavy Drinking and Problem Drinking in Early Adulthood: Implications for Prevention
Thor Norström, Hilde Pape (JSAD 73:542)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Mediate the Relationship Between Traumatic Experiences and Drinking Behavior Among Women Attending Alcohol-Serving Venues in a South African Township
Melissa H. Watt, Krista W. Ranby, Christina S. Meade, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Jessica C. MacFarlane, Donald Skinner, Desiree Pieterse, Seth C. Kalichman (JSAD 73:549)
Interactive Effects of Childhood Maltreatment and Recent Stressful Life Events on Alcohol Consumption in Adulthood
Kelly C. Young-Wolff, Kenneth S. Kendler, Carol A. Prescott (JSAD 73:559)
Social Adversity, Stress, and Alcohol Problems: Are Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Poor More Vulnerable?
Nina Mulia, Sarah E. Zemore (JSAD 73:570)
Alcohol Use Patterns and Trajectories of Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A 14-Year Population-Based Study
Mark S. Kaplan, Nathalie Huguet, David Feeny, Bentson H. McFarland, Raul Caetano, Julie Bernier, Norman Giesbrecht, Lisa Oliver, Nancy Ross (JSAD 73:581)
Daily Variations in Spring Break Alcohol and Sexual Behaviors Based on Intentions, Perceived Norms, and Daily Trip Context
Megan E. Patrick, Christine M. Lee (JSAD 73:591)
School Bonding As a Moderator of the Effect of Peer Influences on Alcohol Use Among American Indian Adolescents
Danielle D. Dickens, Sara E. Dieterich, Kimberly L. Henry, Fred Beauvais (JSAD 73:597)
The Ties That Bind: Bonding Versus Bridging Social Capital and College Student Party Attendance
Cynthia K. Buettner, Jeffrey S. Debies-Carl (JSAD 73:604)
Daily College Student Drinking Patterns Across the First Year of College
Bettina B. Hoeppner, Nancy P. Barnett, Kristina M. Jackson, Suzanne M. Colby, Christopher W. Kahler, Peter M. Monti, Jennifer Read, Tracy Tevyaw, Mark Wood, Donald Corriveau, Allan Fingeret (JSAD 73:613)
Cognitive Remediation Therapy During Treatment for Alcohol Dependence
Claudia I. Rupp, Georg Kemmler, Martin Kurz, Hartmann Hinterhuber, W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker (JSAD 73:625)
Who Seeks Care Where? Utilization of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Two National Samples of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders
Mark J. Edlund, Brenda M. Booth, Xiaotong Han (JSAD 73:635)
Factors Associated With First Utilization of Different Types of Care for Alcohol Problems
Deborah A. Dawson, Risë B. Goldstein, Bridget F. Grant (JSAD 73:647)
Relationships Between Local Enforcement, Alcohol Availability, Drinking Norms, and Adolescent Alcohol Use in 50 California Cities
Mallie J. Paschall, Joel W. Grube, Sue Thomas, Carol Cannon, Ryan Treffers (JSAD 73:657)
"To Believe or Not to Believe?" Religiosity, Spirituality, and Alcohol Use Among Hungarian Adolescents
Bettina F. Piko, Eszter Kovacs, Palma Kriston, Kevin M. Fitzpatrick (JSAD 73:666)
Do Substance Use Norms and Perceived Drug Availability Mediate Sexual Orientation Differences in Patterns of Substance Use? Results from the California Quality of Life Survey II
Susan D. Cochran, Christine E. Grella, Vickie M. Mays (JSAD 73:675)
Effects of Interactive Voice Response Self-Monitoring on Natural Resolution of Drinking Problems: Utilization and Behavioral Economic Factors
Jalie A. Tucker, David L. Roth, Jin Huang, M. Scott Crawford, Cathy A. Simpson (JSAD 73:686)
"The Evil Genius of the Habit": DSM-5 Seen in Historical Context [OPEN ACCESS]
Griffith Edwards (JSAD 73:699)
Combining Abuse and Dependence in DSM-5 [OPEN ACCESS]
Deborah S. Hasin (JSAD 73:702)
Rationale for Changes in DSM-5 [OPEN ACCESS]
Charles P. O'Brien (JSAD 73:705)
"Bath Salt"–Induced Agitated Paranoia: A Case Series [OPEN ACCESS]
George Loeffler, Ashley Penn, Brian Ledden (JSAD 73:706)
*The article marked with an asterisk (*) will remain OPEN ACCESS until the release of the September 2012 (Vol. 73, no. 5) issue of JSAD.
- Editor: Marc A. Schuckit, M.D.
- Associate Editors: John E. Helzer, M.D.; Samuel Kuperman, M.D.; and Brian Borsari, Ph.D.
- 2012 JSAD Editorial Board
- Impact Factor: 2.128
- Submit articles online:
- Follow JSAD on Facebook and Twitter
- Subscribe to JSAD
Press release 1: Medical marijuana outlets not linked to crime
Free full text: Exploring the Ecological Association Between Crime and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries [OPEN ACCESS]*
Press release 2: DSM-5 to include controversial changes to criteria for substance use disorders
If you are attending the Research Society on Alcoholism conference in San Francisco (June 23-27), please stop by the “take-one” table and pick up a free copy of JSAD.
Table of Contents - July 2012 (Vol. 73, no. 4)
Editor's Corner: Editorial in Reply to the Comments of Griffith Edwards [OPEN ACCESS]
Marc A. Schuckit (JSAD 73:521)
Original research:
Exploring the Ecological Association Between Crime and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries [OPEN ACCESS]*
Nancy J. Kepple, Bridget Freisthler (JSAD 73:523)
Alcohol Use at Time of Injury and Survival Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Results From the National Trauma Data Bank
Chiung M. Chen, Hsiao-Ye Yi, Young-Hee Yoon, Chuanhui Dong (JSAD 73:531)
Associations Between Adolescent Heavy Drinking and Problem Drinking in Early Adulthood: Implications for Prevention
Thor Norström, Hilde Pape (JSAD 73:542)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Mediate the Relationship Between Traumatic Experiences and Drinking Behavior Among Women Attending Alcohol-Serving Venues in a South African Township
Melissa H. Watt, Krista W. Ranby, Christina S. Meade, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Jessica C. MacFarlane, Donald Skinner, Desiree Pieterse, Seth C. Kalichman (JSAD 73:549)
Interactive Effects of Childhood Maltreatment and Recent Stressful Life Events on Alcohol Consumption in Adulthood
Kelly C. Young-Wolff, Kenneth S. Kendler, Carol A. Prescott (JSAD 73:559)
Social Adversity, Stress, and Alcohol Problems: Are Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Poor More Vulnerable?
Nina Mulia, Sarah E. Zemore (JSAD 73:570)
Alcohol Use Patterns and Trajectories of Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A 14-Year Population-Based Study
Mark S. Kaplan, Nathalie Huguet, David Feeny, Bentson H. McFarland, Raul Caetano, Julie Bernier, Norman Giesbrecht, Lisa Oliver, Nancy Ross (JSAD 73:581)
Daily Variations in Spring Break Alcohol and Sexual Behaviors Based on Intentions, Perceived Norms, and Daily Trip Context
Megan E. Patrick, Christine M. Lee (JSAD 73:591)
School Bonding As a Moderator of the Effect of Peer Influences on Alcohol Use Among American Indian Adolescents
Danielle D. Dickens, Sara E. Dieterich, Kimberly L. Henry, Fred Beauvais (JSAD 73:597)
The Ties That Bind: Bonding Versus Bridging Social Capital and College Student Party Attendance
Cynthia K. Buettner, Jeffrey S. Debies-Carl (JSAD 73:604)
Daily College Student Drinking Patterns Across the First Year of College
Bettina B. Hoeppner, Nancy P. Barnett, Kristina M. Jackson, Suzanne M. Colby, Christopher W. Kahler, Peter M. Monti, Jennifer Read, Tracy Tevyaw, Mark Wood, Donald Corriveau, Allan Fingeret (JSAD 73:613)
Cognitive Remediation Therapy During Treatment for Alcohol Dependence
Claudia I. Rupp, Georg Kemmler, Martin Kurz, Hartmann Hinterhuber, W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker (JSAD 73:625)
Who Seeks Care Where? Utilization of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Two National Samples of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders
Mark J. Edlund, Brenda M. Booth, Xiaotong Han (JSAD 73:635)
Factors Associated With First Utilization of Different Types of Care for Alcohol Problems
Deborah A. Dawson, Risë B. Goldstein, Bridget F. Grant (JSAD 73:647)
Relationships Between Local Enforcement, Alcohol Availability, Drinking Norms, and Adolescent Alcohol Use in 50 California Cities
Mallie J. Paschall, Joel W. Grube, Sue Thomas, Carol Cannon, Ryan Treffers (JSAD 73:657)
"To Believe or Not to Believe?" Religiosity, Spirituality, and Alcohol Use Among Hungarian Adolescents
Bettina F. Piko, Eszter Kovacs, Palma Kriston, Kevin M. Fitzpatrick (JSAD 73:666)
Do Substance Use Norms and Perceived Drug Availability Mediate Sexual Orientation Differences in Patterns of Substance Use? Results from the California Quality of Life Survey II
Susan D. Cochran, Christine E. Grella, Vickie M. Mays (JSAD 73:675)
Effects of Interactive Voice Response Self-Monitoring on Natural Resolution of Drinking Problems: Utilization and Behavioral Economic Factors
Jalie A. Tucker, David L. Roth, Jin Huang, M. Scott Crawford, Cathy A. Simpson (JSAD 73:686)
"The Evil Genius of the Habit": DSM-5 Seen in Historical Context [OPEN ACCESS]
Griffith Edwards (JSAD 73:699)
Combining Abuse and Dependence in DSM-5 [OPEN ACCESS]
Deborah S. Hasin (JSAD 73:702)
Rationale for Changes in DSM-5 [OPEN ACCESS]
Charles P. O'Brien (JSAD 73:705)
"Bath Salt"–Induced Agitated Paranoia: A Case Series [OPEN ACCESS]
George Loeffler, Ashley Penn, Brian Ledden (JSAD 73:706)
*The article marked with an asterisk (*) will remain OPEN ACCESS until the release of the September 2012 (Vol. 73, no. 5) issue of JSAD.
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